Getting fined in Copenhagen

Be aware of the rules in Denmark

You may ask why I would create a post about getting fined in Denmark?
It might seem excessive for something seemingly simple.

Actually, it’s not.

From my experience talking with people, many were surprised by how easily you can get fined here in Copenhagen. This topic frequently came up in conversations I had with people around me.

There are many rules of conduct in Denmark that you must follow and understand to avoid getting fined.

The controls are very frequent, so telling yourself “it will be alright this time” is not a behavior I would recommend.

For instance:

  • In public transport:

    • If you have a dog, you need to buy a ticket for it, otherwise: fined.
    • Depending on the time of day, you may need a ticket for your bike if you take it with you.
    • Do you have a stroller? You need a ticket, otherwise you will get fined.
    • Make sure you have the correct zones on your ticket.
  • On a bike:

    • If you run a red light: fined.
    • If you use your phone while cycling: fined.
    • If your bike doesnt have light when it’s dark: fined.
  • With cars, it’s even worse.
    While staying in Copenhagen for just 2 weeks, I got fined for parking in a utility vehicle spot.

    • You can find the parking map of Copenhagen here.

It’s very easy to get fined in Denmark when you have a vehicle. They strictly enforce the use of parking discs, where you must indicate your arrival time. If you set your disc incorrectly, you will get fined.

At intersections, your car must be parked at least 10 meters away. They measure this very precisely, and if you’re too close: fined.

Even in seemingly private parking spots, like at McDonald’s, you must use the parking disc, or you can get fined.

Speed limit enforcement is also very strict, especially in Copenhagen, so make sure you respect the limits!

  • Moving to a new home in Denmark? Make sure to notify the administration so they can issue a new CPR card, otherwise: fined.

As mentioned earlier, controls are very frequent, and there’s no room for negotiation. Excuses won’t help – you’ll get fined if you don’t follow the rules, even if you weren’t aware of them.

I’ve listed some rules that came to mind while writing this post, based on conversations with people around me, but there are many more similar regulations.

The good news is that you’re now aware and can pay attention to these rules!

Enjoy ☀️!