AccomodationsWay to find accomodations


While not the most economical solution, LifeX could be incredibly convenient if you’ve just arrived in Copenhagen.

I personally used LifeX when I first arrived in Copenhagen. It was incredibly easy to settle in, offering the same convenience as an Airbnb or hotel.

You just need to bring your luggage and move in. You’ll share a flat with other flatmates, sharing common spaces such as bathrooms and kitchen.

You can get your CPR registered at this accommodation. This was one of the main reasons I chose this solution, as it allowed me to set everything up more than a month before starting work in Copenhagen. This gave me the opportunity to handle all the administrative tasks early to ensure I got paid in my first month.

The higher price of LifeX is justified by the many services included:

  • No cleaning duties
  • All essentials provided (toilet paper, detergents for washing machines and dishwashers)
  • Some groceries included
  • Regular housekeeping service for cleaning and taking out trash

I was a bit embarrassed but also amused to admit that during my first month, I didn’t even know where the vacuum cleaner was!

The apartments are generally very spacious, clean, and well-maintained.

As you can see, it comes with many conveniences that are reflected in the price.

Note: It’s also nice to know that in some cases, you are expected to stay at least 6 months in the appartment otherwise you will lose your deposit and the eventual discount that they gave you, so it may not be the most flexible solution.

Facebook Groups

I’m repeating myself here, but Facebook is quite popular in Denmark, and this is especially true when it comes to finding accommodation.

Many of my friends found their homes through Facebook Groups.

You can either post that you’re looking for accommodation by introducing yourself or respond to people who are looking for flatmates.

One minor inconvenience with Facebook is that Messenger makes it quite difficult to get in touch with people you’re not friends with.

Make sure to check your spam folder in the Messenger app regularly. Commenting on posts or adding the person as a friend on Facebook can help establish contact.

While Facebook is widely used in Denmark, always be cautious about potential scams.

Here are some useful Facebook groups I found:


Boligportal is quite popular - it’s basically a platform where landlords, tenants, and people looking to rent can connect.

Find Roommate

Findroommate is another great option if you’re looking to share an apartment with others.

Chatting around and networking

One of the most underrated ways to find accommodation is through networking.

This approach can be challenging as you need to already be in the city and meet people.

However, simply mentioning that you’re looking for a place to live while socializing can lead to incredible opportunities.

Off-market accommodations can be very nice to live in, especially since you won’t face the same competition as with public listings.